Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Warren Buffet Video Response

So, we have watched a movie on Warren Buffet.  He is a pretty interesting person.  What is your impression of this guy?  Write a blog post that tells me your opinion of him and his business practices.  Is he just amazing, or lucky?  What would be a a question that you would like to ask him about a stock?


  1. In my opinion, warren buffet is a genius. I don’t think that someone could earn all that money and keep it that way for so long just by being lucky. I feel like he had a plan since day 1, and would do anything in his power to stick to that plan and fulfill his goals.
    I like the way that he stuck with his original methods in which he didn’t use computers or any technology, not even a calculator. But although he has had great success, I still feel like there is a risk with that. One mistake that he could’ve made could’ve effected his investments and ruined him. Also his lack of help was a method he had. He had less than 30 employees that helped him. This could be a good thing and a bad thing.
    This being said I feel like He is a very smart man and is great at setting his goals high and reaching those goals.
    - S.D.

  2. I think that Warren Buffet is a cool person. He earned his money by buying and selling stocks and businesses, but he wasn’t super mean about it. He bought the businesses for less than they were worth, but technically he didn’t cheat the managers. They’re glad that Warren bought their company.
    He isn’t just lucky because he worked to earn all of his money. He’s stock smart and reads books to see which stocks would be best to buy. He has never had a computer or a calculator on his desk, and less than 30 other people work in his office. I don’t think that he’s amazing or lucky, he’s just a weird guy.
    I would ask Mr. Buffet what he’s gonna do with his money after he dies. Does that sound mean? If he’s not gonna give it to his kids or workers, what’s he gonna do with it? I would also ask him why he doesn’t buy a nicer house. He doesn’t have to own ten, but why not own one big house with a pool and a nice driveway?


  3. I think Warren Buffet is amazing and lucky because he devote some of his life to buying and selling stocks. He also is lucky because the stocks could have been terrible and lost him money. Warren Buffet is incredibly smart to have around 30 members in his buying and selling stocks group and still be making billions of money.
    He acts like a normal person because he doesn't have an overly expensive house or car. Warren Buffet is 82 and has boughten stocks and made billions and not many people can say they did that. He also started when he was young and over the course of roughly 30 years.
    A question I would ask him would be why and how he learned about the stock market a such a young age.

    -C. B.

  4. From just watching this video I get the impression that Warren Buffet is a pretty down to earth man. He doesn’t act like all of the other rich people. He owns a simple house, a simple car and he doesn’t have any excess of anything. Buffet believes that he only needs the basics and it works for him. I think that he is an extremely smart businessman who knows what he is talking about. Although his ways of doing things are quite old fashioned, they still work. He is amazing at what he does, which is why he is one of the richest men on earth. From what his friends and family say about him, he seems like a neat guy to hang around. He isn’t stuck up and he doesn’t think he is that special. His partner in his business is around his age also, and even though they don’t seem like they could do a lot together, they do. They’re process for buying and selling stocks seems incredibly complicated, but for some reason he is extremely good at what he does. Another reason why Buffet is a smart businessman is because he doesn’t follow trends, like most people tend to do. He looks at the overall market instead of just focusing on the main things. Buffet also seems like a very considerate and caring man because after buying a small mill and selling it for pieces, he decided to never do that again, because he wanted to do what was best for everyone including the people living in that town that weren’t happy with Buffet at the time. One question that I would like to ask Buffet about his stocks would be, how does he choose just how much money to put into a company?
    - A.D.

  5. My impression of Warren Buffet is that he is a very laid back kind of guy. You couldn’t tell he was a billionaire if you didn’t know. He is a humble, hardworking guy who is good with investing money. His business practices are interesting. In his office there is no computer or anything electronic. He just has a stack of papers and that’s how he invests. He analyses every aspects of the businesses he wants to invest in. I believe he is very good with money and picking the right company. He invested in Coke-Cola, and how would anyone know it would become one of the most successful business of all times. I believe part is luck and the other part is knowledge when to invest. I would ask Warren if investing money in other companies is better than starting your own business. Warren Buffet is the type of guy anyone would trust with anything. He is a lovable guy who everyone enjoys.
    - K.H.

  6. I think that Warren Buffet is an amazingly smart man. He seems to understand that simplicity is the best way to handle his life and business. He works hard and has worked hard all of his life. I find it interesting that he has kept his humbleness as a priority throughout his career. The fact that Warren decides to give his money away instead of give it to his kids shows a lot about his personality. He worked hard for all of his money and knows that his kids should as well. I would probably only ask Warren why he keeps everything so simple and why he doesn’t use technology to do his work.

  7. Warren Buffet is quite an interesting person to me. He also doesn’t act like a lot of other billionaires like spending tons of money on a house and fancy cars. Buffet has made so much money just by using common sense and reading about stocks. What amazes me is that he doesn’t have a calculator or computer on his desk. Those are very useful tools in my opinion that can save some time and effort.
    It is impressive that he earned all that money by not cheating or taking advantage of other people. I think that the way he runs his business is a great way to do it because of how efficient it is. Buffet is smart by putting the earnings from one stock into another stock. You can earn a lot more money that way if you know what you’re doing. The way that he can do all of this at the age of 83 is amazing to me.
    I don’t think he is lucky because there isn’t any way that you can be a billionaire by just luck. There would be a reason why you have over a billion dollars. It’s not like you randomly just give someone a billion dollars. That would be luck. Warren Buffet is an amazing guy that has used his intelligence in a way to make him a billionaire. If I could ask him one question I would ask him how he becomes so sure that a stock will do well.

  8. I think that Warren Buffet is an extremely smart man. He has learned how to choose which stocks would be the best to invest in, and his bank account is proof of that. He seems very smart, and like he doesn’t care what other people think is the best way to make money, because he has obviously found a way that works quite well for him. I think that it has taken some luck, because the stock market would have to be doing well for him to make so much money.
    I think it in interesting how he lives in a normal house, eats at fast food restaurants, and owns normal cars, even though he has so much money. Overall, he seems like he lives a normal life.
    If I could ask him something, I would ask him why he lives such a normal life. If I had as much money as him, I would live in a fancy house, and have nice cars.
    - B.P.

  9. I think that Warren Buffet is a smart person. He seems just like an average person, who made some good decisions. He is pretty smart to save the money and not invest in things that are unnecessary. He is both amazing and lucky. He is lucky because buying and selling stock is mostly gambling and just happens to be luck. He is also amazing because he is able to buy and sell the right stocks at the right time and make money without the use of a calculator and minimal employees. I think that the way that he runs his business is good because he doesn't need a calculator or a lot of employees to make it big. He has proven that. He also lives a very modest lifestyle despite all the money he has in his hands. I admire that because he knows that he doesn't need a lavish lifestyle just because he can have one. If I could ask him one question I would ask how he knows what to invest in without using a calculator or lots of employees.


  10. I think that Warren Buffet is not a lucky person, but he has figured out his own system to invest, and has made smart choices. He doesn’t have any tricks or special process, he just invests wisely into companies by looking at every aspect of the stock. His attitude is very good, and he lives very modestly for being a billionaire. People who have worked with him say he is a trusting man, and doesn’t treat you harshly if you make mistakes. Warren doesn’t spend any money on appearances, he just spends it practically, a good example would be his website. There are facts and information, but not even a single picture. He only owns one small house, and hasn’t changed offices since he started the company. He buys cars with hail damage because they are cheaper, even though he has billions of dollars. Buffet has a plain, informative, and truthful style which is a good characteristic in my opinion. His kids aren’t going to inherit his wealth because Buffet believes that it would be unfair for other people. Warren said that just because your father is good at something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have to work for the things you want. He doesn’t need a computer or even a calculator to do his work, he is just so good at what he does, he doesn’t need them.
    If I could ask him any question, I would ask him what he specifically looks for in a company, and the process he goes through to invest. I think that would be good information for people like myself who know nothing about stock to know.


  11. I feel like Warren Buffet’s success is a mixture of luck and skill. He knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t invest on chance he invests in stocks that he is almost positive will do well. Buffet says he doesn’t gamble, he knows what’s going to happen. He also doesn’t invest to make quick money; he plans to keep the stock he buys for a long time. He also seems like a really down to earth type of guy. He doesn’t spend money if he doesn’t need to. He lives in a normal house and drives a normal car. When he buys a car he always wants a deal and he doesn’t want to pay full price. Even though he is extremely rich, he only has a few people working for him and only uses one floor of an office building. If you went to his headquarters you wouldn’t know that one of the richest men in the world works there. Buffet also says he won’t give his children his money. He earned it himself and he thinks that they should do the same. If I had a chance to talk to Warren Buffet I would ask him what he looks at to know that the business he’s investing in will do well in the long run.

    L. A.
