Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kiva Project

ü  Kiva project due on Monday 8 am.  Must blog about your choice of a worthwhile “micro finance” from 
ü  Your choice must be based on the following criteria.
o   Must be from the continent of your original country from the project.
o   The person must be the same gender as you are.
o   You must read their “story” and summarize it in the blog post.
§  Why do they want the loan?..where is the money going?
o   You must be able to promote your choice loan.

In the blog post you need to summarize all of this information. (1-2 Paragraphs).  After you have done this, you need to respond to at least one other person’s post.


  1. Dahlsten
    Hussain works at a blacksmith shop and wants the loan to buy a specialized piece of equipment and to buy a generator. He wants the loan because he is the sole provider of income in his family and having a generator and the piece of equipment will increase his profits. Hussain wants to make sure his children get an education, which I think is incredibly important for children to have. By giving his children an education it will also increase the chance that they will get good jobs so they can have a better life.

    1. I think this is a good idea because it's important for people to have an education.
      - Clark

  2. Clark
    Juan has four children and he wants the loan to pay for cattle and other livestock to provide for his family and the his hometown Sauce. He wants to have time to spend with his family but he can't because he spends sometimes 10 hours working to provide for all of his family. He has 75% of his money raised but he still needs $200 to go. He wants to get raise enough money so that the out come of buying the livestock is to raise enough money to send his kids to college because he never got the chance.

    1. Dahlsten
      You did a good job. Keep doing stuff and things well. Oh and this sounds like a good thing to fund, good cause.

    2. Broadfoot
      That's a good reason to donate. It's good that he wants his kids to go to college, especially in a low income country! That's a great cause!

  3. Jasmina, her husband, and her son live in a poor village in Kosovo. She is a nurse and her husband works at the post office. They have tiny and cramped house that is falling apart. They have started to build a new house, but they couldn’t provide enough money to finish the project. The structure of their house is done, but not finished. She wants to provide better living conditions and security for her family. Another goal she has to save enough money to secure her family’s future.


    1. I think that this sounds like a good cause!

    2. I like the cause for the money. This should be a funded because safety is important, especially in low income country.


    3. That sounds like a good cause, I hope they get the loan.

    4. I think that this is a good cause because she is trying to support her family.


    5. That sounds like a amazing cause.


  4. Rozhgar is a 26-year-old woman from Iraq. She is divorced and has one child. When she got divorced she had to move back in with her parents and with her parents low income it was hard for them to support two more people. Rozhgar decided to start a clothing business to help support her family. She applied for a loan and bought herself an old sewing machine. People buy her clothes because of the quality that they have.
    I want to lend money to Rozhgar because she has put in effort to try to help her family. She has had some bad things happen to her in her life time and she is trying to make a better life for her daughter.


    1. Claassen
      I think this is a good cause and a good place to put your money

    2. I think it is a good idea to invest your money into a loan that goes to someone who is helping others and not just themselves.

    3. i think this is a great thing to invest in, because she is a single mother and she needs to provide for her family. Roth

  5. Frunz is a farmer in Geghamavan that is looking for money to increase his livestock and the amount of bees in his farm. Frunz has previously asked for a loan on Kiva and was able to raise all of the money he needed to buy the supplies. He needs the loans this time to help increase the amount of money he is able to make for him and his family.


    1. Seems to be a good cause to support someone and their family, also helps him expand his business.
      - Stauffer

    2. I think that this is good because it will boost his buisness

  6. Claassen
    I am choosing to help Elchin from Azerbaijan. He is married and has two children. One is a two year old and the other is a eleven year old. He is a taxi driver and he has been for nine years. His family relies on him for all the money and income.
    His loan he is asking for is for 600 AZN so that he can repair his taxi car. He says that this year his car was damaged so now he can’t work. He needs to fix his car so that he can restore his monthly income back to normal. He hopes that if his car can be repaired he can go back to supporting his family. He says that this is his second loan from Kiva.

  7. Daphine is from Kyotera, Uganda. She is 45 years old and a single mom of 6 children. She works 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. She hopes to enlarge her business and her challenges are limited capital and clients who take a long time to settle debts. You should invest in her because she has a child in school and she needs to hire someone else to work so she can be there for her children. -Myers

    1. This is obviously a hard working, caring mother. This is a wonderful idea because she clearly needs this.

    2. I think it is a good idea to loan money to her, that way she can be more successful with her business and she can spend more time with her family.


  8. Luisa is from Colombia in South America. She attended a conference for a well know international nutritional product company. She saw an opportunity for a profitable business to help people feel better. She has her own nutrition club which has had good results. She wants the loan to buy more stock like vitamins and dietary supplies that will help expand her business. The money will go towards her business and help her buy supplies. Being able to buy more for her business will increase in sales and profit for her. She can also be more competitive in the market and continue to offer her services as a nutritional advisor.


  9. Aslan, from Azerbaijan, is a 57-year-old married man with 3 children, as well as an internally displaced person from an Azerbaijani city; he earns 120 AZN per month, or about $153, although his business in agriculture and cattle raising is only part of their income. He wants a 1200 AZN loan ($1530) to purchase two cattle, one milking cow, and fodder.
    This will help Aslan and his family to produce a higher income thus improving their financial and living situation, as they are refugees from the Azerbaijani city of Fuzulu.


  10. Wright
    The person I am choosing to write about is named Alfonso. He is 43 years old and lives in Mexico with his wife and children. With this loan he will be able to repair his car for his taxi business. He also is a mechanic and a pig farmer. He considers himself to be a hardworking and responsible man. Once again he needs this loan for his taxi business to repair his car, plus he will make improvements on his house with any residual funds. Thank you for letting me share.

  11. My guy is from the Ukraine and is named Александр. He is wanting a boiler for his greenhouse so he can keep it heated during the winter. He needs one because his last one went out. He wants to upgrade to a boiler so he can improve his income on his homestead so he can keep up with his monthly costs.

  12. Kevin Leonardo is a young man living in Costa Rica. The town Kevin lives in has a scarcity in public transportation and he would like to buy a vehicle so he can provide transportation. He only needs 1 million Costa Rican colones to buy the vehicle. That’s only $2,025 US dollars! By loaning Kevin this money he can make his town a better place.


  13. Lila Keyla is from Peru and is looking to buy a store. Throughout her whole life she has sold beauty products from her home, and watched her mother do it as well. She wants to have her own building, her own little store instead of having to sell from her house. Her husband is a farmer but most of their money comes from her sellings. She is 37 and I think she deserves it because she has had a career-long dream. She also isn’t wanting animal feed to fatten her animals like every other person in Peru.

  14. Maricela Esther,
    she needs a loan to buy construction materials for the improvements to her home. She works in the morning till afternoon. She wants to provide more for her husband and children. She sells cosmetics as well for money but its not enough for her she wants to spend more time with her children but she needs provide for them.

  15. Vilfido is a 48 year old man with two kids in Honduras. He needs some money to buy raw materials such as pickles onions and Jalapeños. He has worked in gardening for several years. He now makes a living selling prepackaged goods and goods he makes. He makes pickled onions, carrot and jalapeños. He also needs money to buy pumpkin seeds peanuts and cumin.
    I think it is good to donate to Vilfido because he is a hardworker. He knows the ins and outs of his business. He knows what to buy for product that people want to buy. He is good at marketing and that is basically all you need to do to be successful.

  16. This loan is going to El Milagro and she wants to expand her business and by more woman clothing, the money will be going towards her business

    1. I like the idea how your helping pepole make thier business bigger

  17. I am giving a loan to Los Copihues Group to help them buy a digital photographic printer for thier business for thier T-Shirts


  18. Marielourdes coordinator of her group Equillibre de Oaunaminthe lives in the Northwestern part of Haiti. She's been managing her business for the last ten years. She hopes that the loan will help her expand the business. She sells cosmetics and she says that her main challenge is to become a bigger shopkeeper in the Northeastern department. Her main goal is to have a large business, which will make it easier for her to build a larger house with the help of Esperanza Int.

  19. Fordeliza is 58 years old and from Tondo, Manila, Philippines. She is married and has a family in which she works hard to provide continual income for everyday expenses. She owns a variety store, which sells inexpensive items. She is asking for a loan of $475 to pay for grocery items, toiletries, and beverages, needed to supply her general store and continue the operation of her business.
    I want to loan money to Fordeliza so that she can continue to expand her business and give her family a good future.


    1. This is a good donation because she is working hard to support her family.


  20. Lilya is a hardworking responsible lady from Ukraine. She is married and has one grown son. She owns a small stall at the local market where she sells hosiery and shoes, and has been in the business for 15 years. She is asking for a loan of $1,225, or 10,000 hyyvni, to help her buy more products and seasonal shoes for her store. By getting new products and higher quality products she is able to expand her profits. I think this is a good investment because I feel she will use the money wisely. She has successfully owned her shoe business for 15 years which shows she makes good financial decisions.

